By Looloo
Date: 21 July 1999
Letter to Myself
I'm thinking maybe I'll move myself down to Casablanca
Where'd that come from?
I don't even know anything ABOUT Casablanca,
'cept that it's a movie.......
Too many memories here
Not enough room for both of us
I'm not even a poet
So why do I try to write?
I'm just a girl with her heart on her sleeve
Wearing a sleeveless dress
I used to be good at being silly
But now I'm just tired
And these pills aren't numbing my mind and easing my soul like they should
I keep looking for myself at the bottom of a tequila jar
But all I keep finding is the worm
If I could just find myself
And find him again
Maybe then I'd be happy
I wonder what it's like to dance on the beach?
What's this got to do with love?
Nothing and everything, my friend
Love......I used to love a man with an iguana
Till I realized that love was a compromise
So I damaged him, too
Guess I showed him
Maybe I'll find love in Casablanca
I should go rent that tonight.....
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