By Lynn ...
Date: 14 November 1999
A Moment Under the Moon
Walking along, looking up at the moon,
the words rolling off our lips
freely about ...
how bright the stars are
how loud the crickets were
how good the night air felt on our skin
how loud the leaves are beneath our feet
It's a perfect night, he said
and then
our hands brushed
For a moment I thought it might have
been an accident.
But it thrilled me simply to think it could
have been intentional.
And nothing at that moment could
have been sweeter.
Then it happened again.
I knew that this time it was on purpose
so I carefully reached out to take his hand
in mine.
His fingers folded tenderly around mine,
and then came the gentle accepting squeeze
the heart so greatly longs for.
And suddenly there we were,
walking along
looking up at the moon,
trying desperately to think
of something to say next.
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