By SwtLiz (
Date: 30 November 1999
"Love You Forever"
Recalling the day you came into my life..
My heart is overwhelmed with emotion..
I knew I could love you forever in that moment.
My baby boy... when your eyes met mine...
I felt the bond As you laid upon me resting....
I saw my life before me
So helpless little one...
So small....
I give you my word..
......................"I will love you forever"........................
Life has many roads.......
And life has many bumps...
But what ever you may face
You are not alone....
......................"My love will be forever".......................
No matter the mistakes
Big or small..
......................."My love will be forever".......................
As I take your small precious hand into mine
I can not control my emotions as the tears of joy shine.
.....My Baby Boy...... My Baby Boy.... My Baby Boy...........................
....................."My love is forever"....................................
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