Living Happily Ever After: Couples Talk About Lasting Love
is a marvelous collection of edited interviews with couples who
have been together for the long haul. That simple idea leads to
one of the most romantic books I have ever read. One of the most captivating features of this book is the wide cross section the editors have managed to capture. White couples, black couples, blind couples, jazz musician couples, gay and lesbian couples, holocaust survivor couples, sets-of-twins couples, all are included in this book. However, by catching a glimpse of the lives they have made for themselves, you are able to see them as people, not as types. They talk about the times good and bad, the habits good and bad, that made them what they are.
I'm convinced that reading this book can help younger couples know what making a life together is all about. I chose to review it at this time because I think it would make a great Valentine's Day gift for anyone's sweetie. Living Happily Ever After, by Laurie Wagner, Stephanie Rausser, and David Collier. Order it Here from Amazon.Com. |