By Rohit Kapoor,
Date: 20 May 1999
once again!
by myself... again?
Why do I make these choices?
Why trust strangers so much?
Why open up myself...
to others so much?
well actually, why love so much?
once again!
The fine wind,
the sparce clouds,
hey... its pleasant out here!
its just that I am sitting here sad...
once again!!
Roaming these streets,
meeting these strangers,
talking to people who don't care,
wanting to see you in them,
wanting to find a part of you, to cling on to,
holding on to all those times we spent,
remembering them,
well actually, i'm left sad...!
once again!
really, why love so much?
now there's nobody to see i'm hurt,
once again!
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