By Cosette
Date: 7 May 1999


here in the cliff,
you and i are
dancing with
the clouds aloft us
in cadence with
the wind humming
the desire
of our famished souls.

the sun gasped as
it feels us clasp and
play with our bare,
insolent hands, 
its ray of fire - 
one after another
throbbing heat
one on one
on and on

the obstinate rocks
condone with us 
deafened to sensible
hush of the grass

   so much enslaved, 
      so blinded
         by the vast heavens above
   so oblivious,
      so heedless 
         to the wilderness below

devils exulted in triumph
as we neared towards 
the edge...
we fall off!
shed blood of repentance
but still holding hands
on our trip down.

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