By frontman_ph
Date: 4 May 1999
Hello Again
Hello again, I thought you were gone for good but
obviously, I was wrong because here you are. And I see
you've come prepared with all those gifts you're carrying.
I bet those are for me. No mistaking those hideous
gift wrappers, same as always. I'm sure beneath the thin paper
coverings are black boxes and of course, the presents.
Ah, the presents. Tell me, are those the toys I hated so much?
No, don't answer because I know without a doubt that they are.
I threw them away a long time ago but you're persistent,
aren't you? Oh well, same old you. Some things never change.
What are those? You even brought me your specialty! Did you
really missed me that much? You must for you brought me
your LONELY SONGS. I wonder how much tears I'll shed with those
melodies playing in my brain.
Oh well, hand over the toys. Might as well accept them freely
rather than have you force them to me. Let me see, here's
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS with it's forever closed mouth, and this one here
I call SELF PITY, always mumbling 'what if' and 'if only'.
Last but not the least, LIES, this one a sharp knife. Hello again
you all. I wish I could share your enthusiasm but you know me,
I never did like any of you.
So old chap, ummm, what's your name again? Oh yes.
How are you doing LONELINESS? I won't thank you for the
presents and if I can have my way, I'll throw you out of the
door but I really can't, can I? By all means, stay then. I must
warn you, though, I have someone with me. I'll play with these
toys and I'll listen to your songs however, I still have that
single dim light to provide some respite from all these.
The light emanating from someone I call HOPE.
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