By L. Penny
Date: 8 May 1999
It occurs to me to write you a poem...
It occurs to me to write you a poem
a happy poem
With non-sensical
tra la la's and dilly dillies
exuding an airy happiness
that can only be true love and joy.
This occurs to me
and yet
I cannot proceed
This happiness has been conceived
but I am not celebrated
I am fat and boated
sick and faint
One day I will bear this happiness
I await.
For the moment
I am disappointed, pet
I am sad tired stressed and wired
wanting but forgetting how
feeling is superfluous
existing is enought for now
Tired mournfulness
and yet
not hopelessness
aching but not despairing
Love is here.
Through anxiety and 16 hour days
much fades
But Love does not disappear.
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