By Jenna Holland (
Date: 23 May 1999

My Prayer

I kneel at the edge
   of the bed and 
      I pray.

Is it a sin to 
     feel like this?
Is it a sin
     to want this?
Will I be forgiven for
     being like this?
With him?

The questions run 
through my head

I don't know what to do.

I wish I knew the answers
   But I don't.
     not now
   possibly not ever.

I give up.
I climb back into bed.

He awakes to my movement
   I lay down beside him.

His body now hovers over mine.
   The sheets cover us.

And as I stare into his eyes
   he releases his body 
upon mine.

I think of my prayer.

Upon the edge of ecstasy
     we sit.
 -God Forgive Me-

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