By from my love and my friend, Jeff
Date: 6 May 1999
from my father to my mother (1967)
soft eyes, so beautifully deep
they reflect your soul, when you laugh or weep
they express the promise of your love for me
oh, how could two eyes, so wonderful be?
it is hard to say, what I most miss
is it your touch, or is it your kiss
could it be your smiles, or is it your sighs
I think I could miss nothing more than the love in your eyes
"I love you" are three words so hard to say
to explain them, no poet has found the way
but God has given you that gift my dear
for your eyes can say what I long to hear
yes, my darling, I can read your eyes
and besides the love, they look so wise
your love is there for me to see
I hope they have seen how much you mean to me
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