By Buknuy
Date: 24 May 1999
STORE (05/22/99)
I walked past you and you didn’t notice
How my eyes lit up with just the sight of you
I looked back to see if you noticed
But you just walked straight ahead
I saw you again today
Dining with a friend, I guess
I stopped outside to see if you noticed
But you got up and walked straight ahead.
I couldn’t help it, I followed you
You stopped at a store with the woman
You looked at her the way I used to be looked at
You laughed at something she might’ve said or done.
The laugh isn’t familiar, it’s strange
So is your eyes, so is your smile
You’re not him, you’re someone else
Just realizing it makes me wanna cry.
Now I know, he’s gone
I wish he could walk past me
Just like you normally do
So I could still love him from afar, with liberty.
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