By frontman_ph
Date: 6 May 1999

The Actor

The actor employed every trick in the
book to satisfy the audience in what he
deemed as his biggest break in his career.
Such a fine performance he showed.
Every line he was supposed to say
was delivered with such passion
unequaled and every emotion needed
to be shown he portrayed with
absolute clarity that the whole world
     and laughed
          and smiled
               and sighed.
But the audience did not
     and laugh,
          and smile,
               and sigh.
Just a dreadful yawn that mocked
him and his abilities. Needless to say,
he left the theater with a bowed head,
hunched shoulders, tear-filled eyes,
and a wounded pride.
He did not win any glory that day
and the world lost a man foretold
to be great to the clutches of loneliness
and sorrow.
But I know it wasn't because he
was unconvincing, it was because
the script was designed to be doomed
from the start.
He played his part well, in fact exceptionally
well, but what can he do with a script written
and intended not to please the taste of the
I should know, I wrote it myself.
I gave it the title "LOVE".
I am FATE.

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