By Cecelia
Date: 12 February 1999
Through the tunnels of time, and the darkness of night ... He comes.
While on the edge of the world, I stand, waiting, calling his name
with my mind, loud enough to span the universe.
I am here! I cry. Here! ... Come my love, weary of the travel as
you may be from eons of searching, come.
I feel you are near. I can hear the pounding of your heart echoing
through the stillness, vibrating through me with a rythmic pulse that
matches my own.
Come ... Let me embrace you and fill your aching needs as only I can.
For we are destined to be one, you and I. Then, and only then will our
souls be at peace with eternity.
My heart reaches out on the wings of the wind to guide you my love ... follow.
Hurry my love for without you I will forever be just a phantom of the mist,
destined to wait forever for your love, for no other will do.
Together my love, as one, we will be undefeatable against the darkness
and those who would destroy what only we possess ...
A love so strong it has the power to live on through eternity.
I feel you drawing nearer. Come my love, for I shall be as I have
always been since the beginning of time .... waiting.
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