By the guppy
Date: 1 August 2000
prime for the counting
exausted as a lamb
too burdened by this wool
i strip it off
naked in your arms
i bleet softly now
do not hurt me, please
do not leave me, please
i love you the only way
we vulnerable creatures know how to
truly exposed
fragile as the days when harsh words
first crept into my life
i hated them then
i hate them now
they still hurt
no matter how perfect the armor
no matter how thick the wool
i strip it off
i allow feeling
i allow love to weave it's course
beautiful and often painful
i beg that honesty of life
honesty of self
never be lost
but be embraced
i share me as i know me
fearful that numbness
is the effect of not wanting to hurt anymore
fearful that numbness
will dilute joy
fearful that numbness
is the wool
i strip it off my dreams
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