By Crystal
Date: 17 December 2000
The Flight
Sitting on this plane,
thinking to myself,
this is so silly,
I am more scared than the 12 year old beside me who was there alone also,
knowing noone on the flight,
of course I had never flown though...
and he had many times before.
I began thinking of the 5 hour trip up to the airport,
and how you and a friend took me because I hated to drive so far alone,
the way you told me everything would be alright...
and when we got there the weather became worse,
the roads became icy, tree's leaning and falling everywhere you looked,
power trucks all along the roads...
and how when my flight kept being delayed for hours,
prolonging my fear of dying up there,
you were so sweet and loving and made me laugh.
Finally I told you, you needed to leave,
I wanted you home safely, and it was a long drive back.
You held me in your arms while I cried from the fear of being alone in such a huge place, knowing not a soul, and having to face my fear of being miles and miles up in the big blue sky.
You held my hand and then pulled me close to you and said "I LOVE YOU,
You will be just fine...I know you will!"
You kissed me so tenderly and caringly and wiped away my tears.
I let go of you unwanting to...
watched you walk down that hallway until I could nolonger see you...
and I realized then how much you loved me.
I ran to the bathroom and Cried.
And then on this flight ...they stick me with a child...
which was so good for me,
because I held myself together for the fear of being embarassed in front of him..
He shyly looked at me and we began to talk.
I guess he could tell I have never flown,
because he said "You are scared aren't you?"
and I trying to be a hardass opened my mouth to say "No"
but before I realized it,
I had actually said " Oh my God, you just don't know!"
He then, so politely, as we lifted off,
handed me a piece of gum and said,
"Chew this and your ears won't pop! Just take a deep breath and think of the ones who love you, I am sure you will be alright!"
And I then took his hand and said Thank You...
for reminding me!
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