By terry
Date: 2 April 2001

Thrown Away

Thrown Away...(an improv)
Huddled, shivering
Unable to look me in the eyes
His sign simply said 'Please Help'
So used to rejection and the futility of life
Even his tears were silent
Rolling down a worn, weary cheek
Falling in the dirt
And squatting down I caught his eye
And smiled
Reaching out to dry that tear
Brother how can I help?
and my heart broke when he said...

Son you already have,
You looked and saw me.
Somebody's son
Somebody's brother
Somebody's father
Maybe somebody's lost lover
Thrown away
And he said...thrown away
Like so much refuse
Thrown away.
And oh the hidden treasures this world throws away
Tossed to the wind
and let em lay
Just thrown away.
And he that is blind will never see
Never see me
Just thrown away.

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