"Once you accept that most women are evil, that most men are predictable pigs, and that someone is always on a moral crusade, the world's not such a bad place."
--"Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss"

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < february 2005 >
More snow than you can shake a snowshovel at in the northeast of the USA, but what better time to come hunker down and read about romance at the Blender of Love?
Current Blender Survey:
Who's treated you the best in love, and what did they do?
Your Response? / View Responses

Not too many submissions to the good old Blender last month, maybe the winter blahs have chilled some of our hearts out, but I'm amazed at how the quality remains even when the quanity drops off...and it makes my job of reading everything for the Front Page Picks that much easier!

So as always, read, enjoy, and maybe have some hot cocoa...
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

when we became responsible
so it passes (time)
Two by darwin. Jeez, do I dig her prose.

Did You Get the Letter I Wrote, But Did Not Send? (11/04) - Chrissy
The letter written, the story told.

H'roo - juan d'fule
Not quite sure what to make of all the misspellings, but it has a nice lyrical lilt.

The List - JD
I don't have purple pants. Just these rust-and-gray striped shorts that are now considered a misdemeanor against humanity.

Depressed Disposition - aparajita
I'm a softy for songs sharing in my hope for a swift return of spring.

A Cleansing of The Palate - hollywoodfox
Shades of the Paul Simon song "Tenderness".

Because - Laurel Ahlfeld
Tidily presented romantic thought.

but - EB
Submitted by arkguy1000. Excuses, excuses.

Unlikely Love - galadrial
Some nice images presented here.

Red Wine Dictionary - B.K.
And they say that English is a difficult language to rhyme in.

punch in stomach - honora
The joy of the inner monologue and running into The Ex.

Former Great Love of Mine
The Year of the Shark
Two from AbogadaLBNY. "a return to love with perspective"

Friday Night - Jon
Mmm, convertibles.

Blender Review
"Stoned, Naked, and Looking in My Neighbor's WindowStoned, Naked, and Looking in My Neighbor's Window", the best of GroupHug.us.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
100 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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