2005 is here! Another year swinging through and the Blender is right on top of it.
2004 was pretty good for the Blender. Not as much traffic as previous years, but it seems clear that we're not going away any time soon and can with stand even the most heated political debate combat.
As we start the New Year, be grateful for what you have,
and keep in mind the victims (and people trying to survive the aftermath
of the recent Tsunami) -- you might consider a donation as well.
But please take the time to read and enjoy this month's fine crop of works!
the gift of bittersweet
- galadrial
I think "bittersweet" is one of the most amazing words in English language.
I wonder how many other languages have a single word that encompasses
those extremes of feeling.
Just Another Reason (contest submission)
- Ali
Galadrial ran a Holiday Challenge, encouraging blenderites to write a work using at least 6 of the following 12 words:
egg nog
sugar plums
spicy. This one was my favorite.
Skin Garden #3
- j. knipp
"Sexy Shakespearian sonnet" -- great closing line.
My Pooh
- Irongirl
Submitted by Irongirl.
Piece with some nice detail and another great closing line.
Pillowcase Remains
- Kase!
An old idea, nicely done.
the reality of love
- darwin
Quite an attention grabber for the opening line, a worthwhile ramble.
- Bruce Lee, found by B.K.
This month's top-of-the-page quote.
Forever Fire
- B.K.
Another great opener followed by a solid work. I know the feeling!
I'm not sure if people were really meant to be living as far north as I am, here in Boston. I don't know how eastern Canada does it.
why mild salsa was invented
- chris
I love the title of this work so much.
- Akash
There's something almost zen, or at least Eastern-philisophical, about this work.
- Misti
Political rant. I think I was still taken by the list of things at the end.
- kluless
And we end with a work with another great opening, a play on the famous
Walt Whitman line.
Ramble Regarding Romance
"In-Deep-End, Dance", a small essay I wrote for my personal site...what do we come to depend on?
Heart on Sleeve Corner
141 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.
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