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A Happy 4th of July -- and a happy rest of July! -- from us here at the Blender of Love.

The summer heat seems to be a good background for a batch of great works in this month's Blender Digest, so dig in, enjoy, take a minute to appreciate the freedoms you enjoy in life, and hug someone you love!

Yours as always,
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

also this month

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36 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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Kirk in Japan
"Language is convincing. Seeing is believing. Touching is reality."
--Alan Kay
front page picks

On The Bullfrog - Roald Dahl / Kirk, Blender-Keeper
from "Danny: The Champion of the World", on the bullfrog - I've heard this described as "almost a these on the origin of art".

Tick Tick Ticking - RebeccaBeth_88
I like the device of repetition in this one.

Time (Softness) - Marshall Hann / Blessed23
Deft use of the parenthetical.

Calculating Love - Just L / Just L
Loved the numbers in this one!

** EUPHORIA ** - ~Harem~
A very heartfelt and rough history.

No magic - Star of David
The end of the magic.

The Worst of You - Laurel Ahlfeld
Braving the worst.

Empty spaces - wolfscreamer
Negative space.

Missing More Than Usual - CryingShame58
A relationship that may not be in ship-shape.

The trick is to keep breathing - i'm just him
The air down there.

Happy Little Frog - Camelia Lissenhold

thinking about you - spanish johnny
Ain't a crime to think.

A Watercolor Rose - B.K.
An image/word blend.

Alan Kay quote - Alan Kay / Kirk, Blender-Keeper
This month's top of the page quote.