unreasonable | Christmas |
Lydia | I would say Christmas...but it is obvious. Who doesn't like that warm fuzzy you get around the holidays? As far as celebrations go - I always liked New Years Day. It is a holiday that sparks new paths, new thoughts, and fresh perspectives. That is...if you aren't getting the beat down from a raging maniac. |
Misti | Fourth of July. Christmas is too cold and commercialized and crowded. Valentine's Day is a cliche. Thanksgiving is just so much food. Fourth of July is live music and sparkly explosives. I think of Willie's picnic in Luckenbach...fresh Fredericksburg peaches and vodka...cold beer...karaoke...Keith Whitley in concert...people whooping and hollering over firework displays...hangin' out in the back of pickup trucks...Runaway Bay all lit up with stars...and sending Chris a box of Black Cats and then being reprimanded by everyone I knew. |
spaceman | I wqoul shave to say Christmas...the lights, the music, that feeling that we get as children that magic is posible in our lives...I know that Christmas and New Years are also my parents favorite time of year, as 4 out of 5 of their children were born in Spetember. |
spaceman | please forgive my spelling above, I just reread my response now and all I can say is I had a lot of fun this weekend and I wrote that at 3 am...anyone familiar with the song "Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo"? |
Violet | Though the 4th of July is a good one... (nice pick Misti) I'd have to say Xmas as well... there's something about the chaotic magical fuzzy warm feeling... the snow, the lights, the songs... everyone is in a good mood. :-) It's fun to give gifts, to cuddle by the fire, to play in the snow... drink hot cocoa... aah... I love the xmas season. :-D |
jackryhme | hmm how about a revamp of the Sadi Hawkins day? |
Jennifer | I must agree with Misti...loud music,hot summer night, back of a pickup under a colorful, sparkly sky...hmmmm, yep definantly!!! I love it! |
B.K. | I think even though it's the most work, Thanksgiving all the way thru to New Years is my favorite time of the year to share. I guess if I have to pick one Xmas. |
Vishal | Well I love the image and feeling of 4th of July, but as I've never been in the States on that day, I'd have to go with New Years Day. |
Madi | Thanksgiving – it’s the most romantic time to get away to the island with him. The tourists are all someplace else, the ocean and sand are just right for walks under the moon, and someone else deals with stuffing the turkey (the Thanksgiving gobbling shrimp) while we play on the beach. |
splatipus | I've always found (for me) that its not the Holiday, but the people that you are with that count. Kisses! |
scqueen | I'm with Jackrhyme ~ but he has to take me to the Sadie Hawkins dance, or, er, a circle around the old May pole. I guess I better stop now. He'll think of somthing dirty to say :-) |
Kirk | Memorial Day, marking the start of summer. |
TJ Holland | CANADA DAY. July 1st. My most memorable celebration of that day was 12 years ago with the man I loved the very most, aside from my father. He and I both love the pipes. When I heard those haunting bagpipes, my eyes filled with tears. I looked over to him, my grandfather, my hero, and saw his eyes shining with tears too. 11 years ago he died. The pipes played long and sad at his funeral. |
Jon | Jon Day. Every 1st of the month. ;-) |
doubleloop | Christmas.. |