Misti |
My love life has never been better. These past few months have been among the darkest, most wretched of my entire life, and there have many tears and arguments. We've both come close more than once to throwing the towel in. I don't have the most romantic, glamorous marriage in the world but I am so grateful to be married to my best friend, a man who makes me laugh and teaches me new things on a daily basis. A man who has read more books than I have and has all the character and integrity and boundless love that I could ever hope to find in another human being. I am blessed beyond belief and for the first time in two years I'm really starting to feel and cherish that fact.
deevaa |
VERY well thankyou. *grin*
Max-Rom |
Interesting, ....yeah. I can say that I am so happy that I finally got her to take me back. Not that broke up on bad circumstances before. I started college and she was still in high school...so, we thought it was mutually better to take some time to be friends, being that we could neither see nor talk as we once did. I was so scared of asking her to take me back that I wrote it on a piece of paper...in the same room. What a dork. Anyways, we are attending the same school now and things are peachy. Why do you think I have posted more poems? I am a hopeless romantic y'know? There's my two centavos. :)
Inflatable Sushi |
ask me no questions and i'll tell you no lies
jackryhme |
very umm complex...??
RennieLorca |
hi ..... (tap-tap-tap) ... this thing on? Ah, how's my "love life these days?" -------------------- Sorry, bounced again! Oh, off the monitor! Well, how's my love life (ahem) ... well, ah ... I've been meaning to assess that lately, and .... hold-on while I get a soda. AFK ... brb ... HEH! .. back again! ... How's my love life? I saw Jack write something about "complex" .. I never saw a sailor use the word "complex" before. I need to look that up and see if it is some kinda nautical term I never heard before. .... What was the quesiton again? ... Oh, right! How's my love life? Would you repeat that question and be a bit more specific? I mean ... I have gotten used to going in chat rooms and getting the "asl" question (boy, did I have some fun with that question at times), but I just don't have an answer for your question right now. Hello? Hello? You survey folks! Just like telemarketers! Could I just make a donation, write you a check, and not have to answer this one? Wait, Captain has an answer! ... WHOA! NO! NO! NO! ... nevermind! LOL
Jon |
My love life is great. Everything is so great when love is all brand new. But I'm finding that's it getting harder and harder to write as we get deeper into this relationship. I really admire those that can write beautiful poetry while in the mists of love at it's highest. I seem to only be good at writing the sad and depressing moments of love and loss...hopefully that will change. Anyway I'm way off topic, my love life is wonderful.
Violet |
My love life is sublime. He loves me as I am, supports me, and believes in me. He's brilliant, sexy, funny, and so caring. I'm MAD with blissful love! :-P
Kirk |
s'good! Which mean s'bad for getting me to write stuff 'cause I'm not just out to impress women...
Rhetoric |
Oh...that is a relative statement. On my good days (MY good Days, not OUR good days) I can't imagine life without him. On my bad days, I want to run from everything and start over anonymously in an anonymous town. Overall, he is the person for me. He lets me be me - and that is a wonderful thing. Cuz I am one difficult person to love.
Bridget O |
well i guess i'm the odd man/woman out because my love life in a word is nonexistant. hahaha well i guess i have a memory and thats the extent of my lovelife. i'm so weird. i broke up with him so why do i still feel attached to him after all these months? ahhhhhhh i hate him and then i love him it's one of those love/hate things only he doenst know it b/c he has the capacity to MOVE ON which i cant seem to do even though i have the perfect person for me right in front of my face so uh i duno u figure it out!!!:S:S:S
TJ Holland |
I like this question. Just two days ago I did something that I had refused to do in a couple of years, something I could not bring myself to do with anyone else I had dated. I actually committed myself and my heart to ONE man. It wasn't hard. Not with him. He's everything I've waited for. Life is divine. Love is sublime.
spaded |
As far as romantic love goes, I have met and fallen in love with my best friend. The problem being he has met and learned to love his best friend (me) in a best friend kind of way. Oh when past decisions cause regret. I am just thankful to have met him, and I am actually happy with the "progression" of our relationship. Though it took a short while to come to terms with being friends, I have managed to find someone else worth dating. Now I know what a man worth dating really is thanks to my new best friend. So if that makes sense, I guess it's not much of a "Love Life", but I am content
muryan |
Well, since my writing has become less and less, since I have not inspiration, my first guess would be that I have no love life right now. Unless you count the love I have for my cat and dog, then well it's pretty good love triangle there. But this was a good question Kirk. Kudos.
BeckyAnn1110 |
my love life... it hurts. I'm the "bad guy" in the relationship because even though I love him, he's got stuff to deal with and it's killing me that he's ignoring it. I can't stand by and watch him drown himself, so I decided to take a break from him... he doesn't understand it hurts me to be away from him, but that what he's not doing hurts me more. To watch a person you love self-destruct on some levels and try everything to help and be unable to do a thing is the most helpless feeling I've ever felt... so that's my love life!! Love hurts, plain and simple!
Liz |
my love life is a mess...I love one man for the past we've shared, and I can't bring myself to hurt him, and I love another for the excitement I feel when I am with him, for the hope and possibilities and the future I imagine with him. But do I deserve happiness if I have to hurt someone to get it? I wish love was a door you could pull shut when you need to, and open again only at will.
whisper |
my love life is unreciprocated. im in love with a girl who is one of my best freinds and she is in love with another of my best freinds. and to top it all off, she told me that she plans to wait as long as it takes to get him to marry her. woe is me. i am doomed to wander the world loveless and alone till the end of my days
La Corazon Roto |
My love life would be much better if I could actually see the person I have strong feelings for...I'm not saying its bad-but it could be better!
Savannah Haze |
Wonderful! Today (September 1st) is my 1st anniversary wiht my wonderful husband, John.
spaceman |
the pits, thank you very much. I am a miserable bastard.
muryan |
Spaceman, I think you need a pet. ;)
spaceman |
I don't know that a pet could stand me these days....
indefatigable sushi |
I haven't bought an issue of Barely Legal Lesbians in, oh, two months. 'Nuff said.