Chances | The most absurdly funny would be the Leamus incident... Leamus came and criticised the entire Blender for our words of support and inability to write 'proper poetry' (or some such thing), after writing a couple of pieces in the past to show us up for our crappiness (or they were just plain twisted?). He copped an earful (and then some). Though some Blenderites were very understanding and had compassion for the man, the passion and fiery natures of others were heated to boiling point by his words - whichever, a LOT of words got written on the board. God help those that got behind in their reading of it. |
Liz | My favorite moments were on a personal level...coming here to read poetry written by a man I adore, and knowing that some of them, at least, were meant for me. I also enjoyed some of the One-Nut Jim and Ophelia moments, as aggravating and unnecessary as they were, there was some entertainment value to be had... |
RennieLorca | I, too, enjoy seeing the board and submits come alive in community interaction with support or defense of any and all posters. There are too many instances, it would be hard to pick any one or two particular favorites or outstanding events. There is a unique blend of senses and mood set by Blenderites as they get inspired, inflamed, infuriated, compassionate, or just care to share. Like any community, we get to see pain, growth, happiness and despair. We thrive on the words, die from their meanings, feel more in the love and romance context, or the inability to feel, out of sorts from the heartaches of others. Yet, we rally to romance and true love when we recognize it blossom, even be fulfilled in Blender's poets. We miss, even grieve over those who leave Blender for whatever reason -- rejoice at a return. Realizing longevity, we nurture young poets at Blender and cherish those older who seem wise and advise well. I've learned from everyone at Blender. I don't see the apathy of other sites as they fade from misuse, attacks or lack of community spirit. A board argument often leads to a solution, a bump up for the poetic society here, an education for some, nod of approval, a need for some to find somewhere they might better fit. Very long story short: From a twelve year's pain, to the bliss of Josephine and Blakey's faces in the links here, I've read and felt myself a warm part of something real in the larger too often cold www-'net cyberspace ..... Rennie |
Butterfly03 | My most favorite blender moment was when I stumbled on the site for the very first time and a huge wave of relief came over me. Oh how comforting it was to be able to express myself and, let out what has been pent up inside of me for so long, to people who I've never met yet feel so close to. Everytime I come to the site is in some way a favorite moment because it allows me to be myself without being judged or ridiculed. I will always be thankful for my time with the 'Blender'; it has helped me through one of the hardest, loneliest, and exciting times in my life. |
Madison | After all of words that were born from what we were, are, will never be, will always be - to realize that you were noisrevni (and a part of it was for me?) If you read this you'll know what I mean. |
empyrean | Its hard to pin one defining moment, but to echo the comments of the others I think it would have to be the support of the Blenderites here. Its always such a pleasant surprise to receive a comment from someone that's read my work, and in turn I adore reading the words of others - many a time have I had a 'reality check' through the words of poets here. The support is immense and its just a pleasant place to be :-) |
Kirk, Blender-Keeper | Getting a few paragraphs of writeup in the New Yorker in 1997...or maybe when I got the darn autosubmission system up and running. Or some other technical feat like that, like last year's redesign. Yeah, I'm not just the blender-keeper, I'm also a giant geek. |
Kirk, Blender-Keeper | And actually, not so much a single moment, I'm happy to have witnessed the blender board and submissions page evolve into a self-sustaining community. |
CryingShame58 | No matter what kind of day I am having, I can feel my smile creep across my face after reading someone's new submit or comment on the blender board... :) |
tj holland | I have found that the Blender serves as some sort of muse for me. If I feel the desire to write something, it seems I cannot just open up a fresh Word document. I HAVE to come to the 'submit work' page here on the Love Blender and work from there. I also can't read any of the other people's submissions before I write. If I try to write anywhere besides here at the Blender, I get a serious writer's block! What's up with that?? And an interesting thing happened in regard to the Blender a year and a half ago...I had been chatting with a man on the net, but felt no real need to give him my name. He did a search with the first part of my e-mail address (the "name" or "tag" portion of it). He came across some of my old Blender submissions from back in 1999. I laughed when he confessed to me what he had done, he felt like he had violated some sort of ethic by finding my poetry. LOL! (I didn't feel violated at all, since the LoveBlender is a VERY public forum). One other thing that I like here is that I know a few of the Blenderites in person, so when they submit, I can 'read them' and it enriches my idea of 'who' they are. -Teej |
B.K. | Probably my very first front page was one of my favorite moments. Confessing to all the other names I've written under here and figuring out who else was doing the same thing. Bumping other poets which is always fun and watching the fights and make ups. I guess just watching this place evolve from the point that I came in. It's all fun..I love this place but you could never tell. |
kevin urenda | It's a close contest for me, and probably these moments are One and One-A. It's been almost five years, but that first Blender front-page selection made me feel as if I had finally arrived. The first few emails I ever received as personaly responses to something *I* had written were the beginning of a whole new universe for me. Friendships that continue to this day were forged... |