Juhaa | Not in my relationship. I don't know what it is about me, but I just don't seem to fit into the stereotypical idea of a "woman" in the romantic sense. My husband buys me roses regularly, says romantic things, loves closeness and cuddling. It's not that I don't like those things, I do! But I just never have the urge to do "romantic" things myself. (except cuddling, at times) My 'romance' takes a different form I think. Very non-traditional. Hmmm. |
B.K. | O.K. hum I'll bite ha. No, I don't think so. I think they have different ideas of what is romantic and what is not than we do. But they like the juice of romance just as much as we do, if not more. bk |
Echolocation | No -- but I think they may be often tuned to different stations! I remember something a college boyfriend said, after we'd been dating about a year. He said, "I finally figured it out: all those things you do for me, those say you love me. And it's much cooler than if you just said it in words all the time." It was this big revelation for him. Maybe the key is to recognize in what ways your partner is saying "I love you" whether it's a note in your lunchbox or remembering how you like their coffee. As I get older I'm able to spot love in far more guises, which is nice :) |
Jon | No, but I know her and her friends would like to think they are. Oh wait, that's not the question, time for me to hide. |
Chances | Yes, I think women are more attuned to romance than men. Because men, no matter how Don Juan or savoir faire have really dumb moments about romance. Really! On the other hand women can either be switched on or off - but they're never stupid about it. : ) |
Chances | haha... so women have better tuning but a less reliable television set, while with men you sometimes put up with scrolling and white noise. : D |
Kirk | In my experience, women want to be traditionally romanced, and men who want to live up to that have to figure out how to do that. So which one is more "attuned" is a bit of a tossup... |
mytwocents | I once heard a saying - "Men think, while women feel." Maybe God made us that way, because he knew that Mommies would spend more time with the Babies, while the men would be out in the fields plowing and growing the veggies. Maybe we are created that way. And of course their are the hormones. Women face a great change in hormones each month during their menstrual cycles, and pregnancy. Men don't have that constant change of hormones - which I read, really wreaks havoc on your emotions. Sometimes women cry for no reason or get cranky because of these extreme change in their hormones. Thus they are pictured as more emtional. I know many men that are extremely romantic, and many women as well. So to label one group as more or less romantic than the other is not easy to do. But I would say, that the world thinks of women as being more romantic then men.... and perhaps there is something to that. Just - My Two Cents.... - By the way, I am wreaking havoc on the Political Blender Board - and I am not a naughty bad boy.... but rather have something to say that I really feel is true. I will take this time to apologize to Kirk and the Blender people - if they take my words in a tone that they were not intended. I do belive that since Kirk labeled the politics board as a place for not only political talk and debate, but also for controversial issues - That I indeed have a place there to voice my opnions as well. Thanks for letting me share - My Two Cents. Two cents is a small amount of money. But sometimes it is needed to be able to purchase the goods. Or at least help in the sales tax. LOL. Thanks Again. |
B.K. | Romance is romance not babysitting, you might have something on the hormonal thing. You think men are not hormonal hahaha think again. You just don't use your hormones to have a baby with. Your's cause us to have the babies and they go up and down with the tides as well. Yours rape and pillage when they don't have the words to woo. And the woo depends on what level of the hormonal IQ you are on. hahahah |
insense82 | I agree with the fact that we really can't say. After all, men are known for their being attuned to romance only during the beginning of the relationship, and the list goes on, while women are at it 24/7. There are, in fact, exceptions, and they are responsible for creating havoc with the statistics. |
Jon | The last time I checked it's usually the man who is doing the courting and/or chasing. Women know what they want from you the first five minutes they decide to take you seriously, men try to figure it out and spend the rest of the relationship trying not to piss you off. Women want romance and men give it(if they think you're worth it). Which sex is more romantic? I think they're both about dead even. |
bobopro1020 | yes, they feel stroner urges to make commitments and live by them. men on the other hand have the same urges but fantasy and suggestiveness make them wonder or at least think about it more.... |
cpnina01 | Yes women are more attuned to ramance, because women make concious decisons when it comes to matters of the heart, where as men seem to fly by the seat of their pants, not putting a whole lot of thought into their words, and actions. Women sacrifice so much and give so much, that they have more to lose, because they are giving their all, and put their emotions on the line. But men on the hand ususally don't sacrifice as much or as give as much to the relationship, so they dont' have much to lose, and therefore are not very attuned to relationships becasue if they gave more and put more in the relationship then I think this would make them be more attuned to the woman in their life because they are a making concious effort to make things work and please their woman, so that they will not lose her. |