By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 May 03
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I lie in my bed so comfy and warm
I gaze at the window and look at the storm

Shadows of branches and leaves as they sway
Dancing and prancing  like children at  play

The glass pane  becomes a  theatrical stage
The shadows of  dancers  reflect  on  the  shade.

Nature provides  a  choreographed  treat
As bushes and  tree limbs  swing  to  the  beat  

Flashes of  lightening   streak  through  the  sky
Quickly  the  thunder's  clashing  is  neigh.

Hearing the crackle of  limbs  as  they  break
I  cringe  and  I  shudder,  it  keeps  me  awake.

My pillow protects me from nature's great storm
The quilt shields the lightening and helps keep me warm

I  slide  neath the sheets till the tempest subsides
The thick swollen comforter is where I shall hide

The storm in my window helps me to see
That deep in your arms, I wish I could be

Then I could relax and enjoy the parade
As lightening bolt shadows  dance on my shade
