By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 May 09
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#The Love Knot #

It's been said that when two people get married
They are tying the knot.

Yet there is another type of knot to consider
You know that knot you get in your stomach
When he or she doesn't call.

When you worry or wonder where they are.
When you're not sure of how they feel about you.
When you have doubts as to their faithfulness
When you yearn for the emotional feedback
That they rarely give.

When you see them flirting with the opposite sex.
When they don't return your call.
or can't be reached by phone for long periods of time.
When they become less attentive than usual

When they avoid your kisses.
When they have that far away look in their eyes
When they are acting strange and distant.
When they won't talk to you

When they forget your birthday, or special days
When they become callous to your needs
When they become physically or emotionally unavailable.

When they weren't where they said they'd be
When they start cancelling dates
When they stand you up.

When they start acting selfish
When they become withdrawn
When you just don't feel safe with them

When they look at you, as if you are invisible
and they can stare right through to the other side
When you notice  lipstick on their collar
Or a new perfume scent on their pillow.

When they appear to be hiding information from you.
When you see a strange phone number scratched on a cocktail napkin
When , when, when

So you get this knot
Deep within your stomach
in the pit.....
And you interpret it to be LOVE
Oh... you are SO MUCH  in love... so deeply in love
Head over heels in love.  MADLY AND PASSIONATELY  IN  LOVE....

So MUCH in love that it hurts.... DEEP in your gut ...
you have this big KNOT in your stomach.

And as long as you can FEEL that KNOT...
That uneasy, queasy feeling.
You are sure that you are still
Madly and passionately in love.
The thrill is still there
The challenge, the uncertainty,


The  KNOT  is no longer there.
ITS GONE ! ! !
You want to feel it ....  You try to feel it...
BUT YOU  CAN'T .....

That wonderfully painful.... agonizing gut feeling.
That uncomfortable knot is gone.....

And why is it gone ?
Because they no longer stay out late at night.
Because they call you three times a day.
Because you know where they are all the time now.

Because they are paying you more attention.
Lots and lots of kisses and hugs, now.
Because they want to spend more time with you.
Because they are putting you first in their lives now.
Even before their own desires and needs.

Because they no longer flirt with others.
Because they are so dependable now.
So eager to please you.
Because they are showering you with gifts

Because they are giving so much more than before.
Longer Kisses
Foot rubs, back rubs, long massages.
Because they are making you the center of their world now.

So.... that uneasy KNOT  is GONE  now.
That gut squeeze -   POOF -  has magically DISAPPEARED
The Challenge
The unsureness
ALL  GONE  ! ! !

So how does your brain and heart interpret  this ?



  IT'S   OVER  ! ! ! !

I  am no longer in love.......
I  have fallen out of love.......
That wonderful glorious  KNOT  is not there anymore....
A sure indication that the romance is gone....  it's  OVER....

You got it all  wrong.

Our brains are off kilter....  Deranged... and significantly  malfunctioning.
Together,  our brain and heart are seriously misleading us....

MISINTERPRETING -   misunderstanding -  just plain  STUPID.

We need to reprogram.... load a new data set.....  upgrade.....  NOW

The knot was there,  when they DIDN'T  love us.......
The knot disappeared ,  when they  BEGAN  to  LOVE  us.....

Why is it so hard for us to understand that ?
Did you ever stop to think
That the knot is the very opposite of love
Could it be that we are attracted to pain ? ? ?
That we LOVE  discomfort ....
That we  LOVE  abuse ....
That we  LOVE  only that which, we think is unattainable ??

The LOVE KNOT  isn't  really love at all......
But  a   LACK  of  love..... on the part of the person causing the KNOT.

WAKE UP .....    ~ THE LOVE KNOT (NOT) ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~