By ~Harem~ Date: 2001 May 24 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
Do you believe in love at first sight.... ? or falling in love in a very short period of time ? Or for that matter do you think that some people can really tell when they have found the right person, Their Soul Mate - in a short period of time......? Sometimes I think I wouldn't know true love if I fell over it.....(or into it) *giggle.... now seriously..... I think I might be damaged from previous relationships.... and so now, I am not sure what love is..... or if it exists..... and if I would recognize it .... or if I am capable of loving deeply anymore, like I used to.... I am one of those people who is very cautious, and certainly not a gambler. I have learned from experience.... that it is better to be alone, than to be with the wrong person..... So love scares me..... The word LOVE frightens me. I am a dreamer, and a fantasizer And romantically in love with romance But I have had reality forced upon me Too many times, that I find myself to be very careful now, and very timid about love. I have known so many people who use that word without meaning it..... like the boy who cried wolf..... So, I am afraid that when the real thing comes along.... I will ignore it..... disbelieve.... or just be unwilling to take a chance again.... I hear often about some people who say they can tell almost immediately, if the new person they meet.... is the ONE.... that they have been looking for..... or they can tell if they are NOT the one.... I find this hard to believe or conceive... since I have to know a person for a long time, before I would even consider trusting them with something so sacred as my heart..... And yet ..... I can know almost immediately if I like the person. And can get a gut feeling instantly that there are definite possibilities. And yet.... being a very psychic / intuitive person.... I get vibes off of people.... like bad or good vibes... good feelings or uncomfortable ones...... Which I usually cannot shake...... no matter how much I try..... and no matter how good looking the guy is........etc... So what do you think ???? Do you fall in love easily or quickly ? ? ? Do you know anyone that does ??? Do you believe in love at first sight ? .... |