By Charade
Date: 2001 May 30
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I Already Knew

I already knew
what you would say
I have a way
of knowing these things.

You're much too sensitive
and read between the line
of poems I wrote before I knew you.

Was just running out of
submissions to share
Oh well...

Not a question of will you be mine
Or if you have time
That's not on my mind

Just wanted to share
Part of me with you....
The part that you threw

I have no control
Of that which I feel
What makes me reel
For you.

Call it obsession, call it addiction
Call it deep dark feelings
Damn, if I know...

It's driving me crazy
Leaving me hazy
I can't tell anyone, cause then they would know
That I am not normal
Nor anything formal

I just have this drive
to miss you, and kiss you,
and look in your eyes....

To hug you and hold you
And squeeze you real tight.
To dream of you into the night

I don't know how to stop it
I am so well at hiding
Hiding my feelings
Denying my reelings
For you...

If I could stop it, I would
I know that I should
But I can't

You think its a game
Oh what a shame
It's not.....

But you wouldn't know it
Unless I could show it
And I understand how you feel

I respect all your feelings
I do.

My feelings are not sexual
But intense just the same
Impulsive for sure
Like the first time you came
to my car

I had not planned to kiss you
But I did
I normally don't do that
Hell if I know why

So push me away
What can I say
I never expected anything
Just wanted you to know
I'm feeling you so.

I can't love you in person
But only from here.
My heart has a soft spot
for holding you near.

And so you reject me
That's ok....
My life is full of rejection...
I just look away...

But it won't stop what I feel
Nor the things in my mind
If I can comfort or hold you
In this stupid way of mine.

I will....

Did I make you smile....
Then I am happy.....
ECSTATIC ...  *giggle.....

Just thought that when you were lonely
We could hug and kiss and smile and laugh
Isn't that enough.?
It's a wonderful offer
To tie you over until you find the one you love.

Don't you want or need my friendship?
What is wrong with just seeing each other
now and then.
To kill the monotony of solo
To let me grab you by the hand
rub noses
sip on wine
then disappear back into our dreams
I have the ability to do it now... and I do....
all the time.... *Sigh... I'm Magic....
Just thought you might enjoy it in person...
If not....
See you tonight.... same place... same time....
*Sigh..  Caramel Eyes....

