By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Jun 05
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Bargain Basement Love

Ok, everyone passes the table of clothes.
So they're clothes
No big deal

Or maybe its a rack of shoes
Or a  display full of toys
Or shelves filled with pots and pans.

No big deal.
So who never saw shoes before
And toys are just toys.
If you've seen one pot,  you've seen them all.

All day
All week
All month
People pass by
Back and forth, back and forth.

Oblivious to the goods lying there
No one really noticing
Ho - hum

Suddenly a nosey shopper stops
Starts digging through the bargains.
Hey these are pretty nice - he says to himself
And a great price

Then another nosey shopper stops
Then two more
Before long, you got a crowd
Pushing and shoving
They have to see what you are looking at.

Hey wait a minute...
That one is mine.
I saw it first.
Well I got my hands on it first.

Then the tugging and pulling begins
They start getting desperate
And determined
The goods are being pawed at

Desperately seeking
What someone else wants
Hell it must be good

I want it -  uhhhhhhhhh
Because he does....
isn't that a good enough reason.

These same articles that sat
for days and weeks and months
Are now sought after like gold.

And so it is  -  with romance
Let one person show interest in you
Which draws the attention of another
And another...
And before long..... you are in great demand....

Bargain Basement Love...
