By gardenguru
Date: 2001 Jul 02
Comment on this Work

'Ain't it a bitch, Modene'

Before that Mars and Venus concept
became a national talk show favorite,
An ex of mine explained it to me this way:

"When I want to complain, elaborate, cry,
or piss off, unload, download,
or when I begin to discuss my life or
our relationship or issues of the day
or just 'YOU-KNOW-WHAT',
here's what you gotta do ...

Listen.  Just listen.

I'm not too interested in 'resolution',
as you call it.  There's no ANSWER,
no logical amelioration (love that word),
and no bing-bang-now-it's-fixed.

If you MUST comment, if you really MUST...

Say this.  Just this:

'Ain't it a bitch, Modene'

= Commisserate, sympathize, empathize.

No more.  No less.  Just that.

Add the expressive nod-of-the-head and
an occasional 'hm-uh' and we're set.
[Do it as if you mean it, even if you don't.]

There.  Now ain't that easy?"

Not really.  But "Ain't it a bitch, Modene"
sure put a phrase to a difficult concept.
Put some sense to it.  
(I wish I knew who that Modene person was.)

Ah, the art of listening.