By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Jul 05
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Love's Greatest Fear

Placid in pain
accustomed to ache
living half sane
used to hearts break

Resolved in rejection
carry the load
aimed for perfection
tears as they flowed

Following rainbows
Star seasoned wishes
Craving for passion
Thirsting for kisses

Content for the moment
day to day joys
no promise for tomorrow
disappointments arise

A constant delusion
of life's hardened blows
fleeting moments of pleasure
Soften life's throes

Nothing expected
yet still satisfied
enjoying affairs
that lived and then died

Suddenly a turn
to end all the sorrows
all becomes joyful
with promised tomorrows

Confronted with the choice
of ending the chase
Nothing to conquer
Love now has a face

The dream has an ending
The wish has come true
empty, void feelings
are all filled by you

So why do I worry
Why do I fret
Why can't I be happy
That we finally met

I'm scared and I'm fearful
to bask in your love
to soak in the passion
that I often write of

Unable to revel
in having it all
Not used to forever
I wait for the fall

~ ~ ~ ~