By Zero #1
Date: 2001 Jul 06
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StreetLamp Confessions

I walk on these dirty streets
the sidewalks crumbling from ages of steps,
Ya know,,sometimes I feel like those steps
how they just lay there, and let people walk all over them
The way the cool, night air rushes over them trying to get
them clean
but it's only a false sense of security, and as the subway steam filters up and races to the sky, all they can do is watch, and dream of flying,,away,,high,,and letting nothing else trod on them.
Ya,,I do feel like them sometimes. Especially when I walk down this road. Kind of ironic really. This is the place
where I feel the safest,,,yet I feel so alone here.

My only company,,the trash blowing on the curb and the stars twinkling in the sky, reminding me why I'm here. To walk alone,,down under those streetlamps, letting my body be cleansed by their artificial beauty, and the radiance of this lonesome night.
Ahh..I guess I'll just keep walking.