By Me aka Niki
Date: 2001 Jul 11
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My Revenge

"Revenge is a platter best served cold"
Well it's true though
I've never had my revenge when it comes to you
There was a time when I didn't even think about it
Then there was a time I wanted to hurt you so bad
But after you hurt me more and more I thought I wouldn't sink to your level
Then when you went on carlessly I thought it would be a lesson you needed to and hard
Right now most of the anger has eased
But still to just make you see what a cold heartless bastard you are
How dare you look me into my eyes and tell me lies
How dare you tell me I was special from the rest and that you cared
Don't you have a heart or consience?
Didn't anyone teach you the fucking difference between wrong and right?
Do you even have the slightest idea of the pain you put me thru? How many nights I cried because of you?
Do you know what it feels like to have someone stab a knife deep into your chest that you can't even breath?
Well I have, thanks to you
But what comes around goes around
And I think that your going to go thru a hard part of your life soon
Maybe you'll respect people more after that and for once will your cheeks feel burning tears
I wont be there to hold you
And frankly neither will she