By greysky
Date: 2001 Jul 28
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the Dance

Music? For a waltz ? "{Flash of car, high rate of speed"} Where is this place?
"{Memory of a turn}" A beautiful hall and its nig "{night time, darkness, tires
failed to bite}"  ht or at least very dark out ? In? But that haunting
music calling me. Walking on soft carpet ,wondering? "{The horror of the sound of tires
shredding}" Large ornate doors block my way as i sought the source of
this Music? Reaching for the handles i noticed my dress, soft and
comfortable, dated 1800 or even older. Maybe much older. Shirt of ancient frilled design.
Pantaloons, i believe, for pants and soft boots well made, far too well made, for a
perfect fit. "{darkness ,lights pain,sudden, movements, spinning , slammed stop
,out???}"  I staggered needing the wall for support as this last crashed through my
mind. I was not yet ready to question. Mentally checking my physical state, i
really felt fine, ok, well even , all but my mind. It was like i just stepped through a
cloud. I was still not ready to question, not yet.  I tried the door, found it
heavy but unlocked. Smoothly  "{grinding?}" it opened into a well lit "{dark}?"
cavernous hall with, it seemed, hundreds "{empty ,dank}?" of people
slowly milling about all in  my manner of dress, with the women in those over
large sweeping skirt type dresses. jeweled and be jeweled. Very high class
crowed it seemed. then i forgot them "{empty???}" for She was there out in the
middle with Her back to me. She knew i was there. Again I did not question ,but this
was a known. She awaited me. I crossed the distance. Slow ? Fast ? Didn't
matter cause i was with Her, for She had called . then i stopped ,my hand poised to
touch Her creamy willing shoulder, and turned away. I would not face Her in this
manner. Yes this was Hers. Of this i did not doubt.  Her powers awesome, if what
all i suspected true.  Yet i would not face Her as a lesser, as all the rest i
saw  "{empty?}" I turned and walked, She would come to me or not at all. As
i  took my second step away, music, clarions and angels all in Her voice
"{dust?}?" sang out one soft word ,"wait,".  Frozen in place, i did, though i found hate
for my self in this. Then She was before me. How long i stood and stared i cannot say
but was never long enough. This i felt, yet of emotions to be seen ,in and of Her
perfection, these i could not find.  There She stood to let me drink with
sure knowledge i would still die from my thirst. Again i hated this but
was helpless in Her perfection. Slowly I regained my self, though the fight to
grovel horrific, When against all thought, i offered Her my arm in dance. I at
once saw a look of startlement ,a " fierce" small smile, then emotionless again. She
reached to take mine for the beginning of the measure.  Time suddenly slowed,  Her
movement grace, lasting hours, so entranced was i at the flight of Her delicate hand. Then
it was there, on my arm as weightless as a sparrow, electricity seemed to flow with
the touch of flesh "{ blinding ! shocking ! twisting ! horrific! p. a. i. n !!}? halting us in step,
did Her eyes jus soften? She smiled again ,some how more true this time as we
stepped out for the dance. Never before had i waltzed this way, never having waltzed before, with
a partner more true in step.  She seemed a part of me and i of Her as we turned in perfect stride,
around and around and around we spun locked in this perfection of gait,  the floor once
crowded "{empty?} now all jus faded away as around , around , around again crossing the floor
in flight, music. Clarions, and angels singing i heard as next She softly spoke " do you know?"
the question rocked but did ot frighten for i suspected but yet i did not answer
just i smiled my softest as if i were deeply enamored, turn around and spin
we flew before next She spoke" I am not used to being denied" in a soft throaty chuckle " then shall
we stop?" i softly returned though it felt like moving a mountain. Then slowed in preparedness
to do as i spoke, harder She did clutch my arm as the angels voice returned
"no! "  " for i find i am enjoying this" and as true a smile as i have yet seen dawned slow upon Her
upturned face "{voices shouting?}"knees melting from this heat, heart hammering
in my "{compressions?"} chest, holding ,forcing, clutching will, still i continued this dance
(clear!) i held myself to a stately (hammering, frying, jolt,) stride as turn again we began (Clear!) i took Her arm and spun her away....(hammering, crashing, crushing, pull!!)  "NO!!!" angeles raised
in horrified shout as the room quickly spun away leaving me on a hillside wet,
people rushing around a scene of hell deranged, my car still of fire being put out carefully
the medics wondering stare as i slowly gained my senses, telling me i was truly gone
for too long it seemed. and i... left only with a memory
to bring me peace
in sleep
for i know in the deepest hour
though no matter how pissed She be
She is still waiting
for me