By greysky
Date: 2001 Jul 30
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At what cost?...

at what cost
a gift
to have to accept
too much
but to want to accept ...
at what cost
never accept if this
is the answer
at what cost
for then it is far too much.
a gift of a heart and soul
at what cost this
it will cost you your life as you know it
it will forever change everything you know
it will bring pain that you will have to transcend or break
it will bring more sorrow then you alone can bear
yet there is a chance
small though you may think it be
for it to bring you happiness
of the like you have never known
a fullness to life
as two transform to one
to stand together through everything
to be there as support
when it seems the other must break
to act as the wall against all others
while your second half supports you as well
to have one feel the sunset that you yourself do see
to have one hold the memories which the other most craves
to be there in the night
when sleep relaxes hold
listen to the slumber
of one you love the most
as dreams again shall gather
you deep in velvet folds
and again i ask
at what cost