By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Aug 05
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Spots on a Leopard

Leopards have spots that do not fade
Nor change with the setting sun
People have traits that are engraved
Which they share with everyone

It matters not who they are with
Nor the color of their hair
It matters not what is their name
Nor when, nor how, nor where

They'll act the same, be the same
In everything they do
No matter how you kiss or love
It doesn't depend on you.

The cheaters will be cheaters
no matter whom they're with
They can't remain with only one
in each relationship.

The people who are one on one
Whose eyes and fingers stay
Within the scope of whom they love
Each and every day

And so they're faithful forevermore
No matter whom they're with
Satisified with just one love
In each relationship.

Don't analyze what you've done wrong
Or where you might be lacking
It wasn't what you said or did
That sent his cold heart packing

You weren't the first, nor be the last
To see him walk away
Incapable of a deepened love
He could never ever stay

He cries about his lot in life
Wonders why he feels alone
His plea for your sweet sympathy
His constant moaning drone

So keep the leopard fixed firm in mind
With each new person you meet
Watch for the traits that you dislike
The Don Juan, and the cheat

The braggard, and the impish fool
The conceited selfish waif
Those who are  so insecure
They irritate and chafe

It won't be you they'll turn upon
When they cut you and they run
It's from themselves they seek escape
They're nightmare's never done.
