By greysky Date: 2001 Aug 10 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
hot flashes bright lights strapped down betwixt nimble delights buxom breasts press my chest while on the right thighs hard pressed to yearning flesh hand strokes my fevered brow comforting me in gentle caress while across from me lips of deepest red come so close to wetting my lips tease thinks i as she too soon withdraws to gather tools with which to work my jaws ah a master at her craft as with deft push she then retracts shiver i not in discomfort felt but more of burning desire as once more her heaving breast press delightful my aching chest while from my other side sits another of soft curve shape heat from her thighs so ripe so close her scent alone closing my mind in heat then from both sides as a team they slow and deftly work me over and over back and forth they work so well so close blinded to reality lost in femininity even this heaven has an end as through my lust stroked haze they give me a steely gaze and my cleaning is at an end to my startled mind one thought of what once i feared the most whose touch brought on disgust but since the advent of women pure now i love most and lust after my dentist gentle touch |