By ~Harem~ Date: 2001 Aug 24 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
I remember the night we met Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty could never have imagined the way that I felt that night. I have replayed that evening in my head a thousand times. And each time, it was the same. I remember you shaking and spilling your coffee you couldn't take your eyes off me You made me feel so special I have never had any man look at me like that before. You devoured me with your eyes Your intense attention toward me Made me feel so beautiful I swam in your eyes I bathed in your touch Your touch.... The touch of an angel caught between heaven and hell The touch of tiny fairies swarming over my skin with little wands of magic dust My senses were filled with the awe of you You're rock hard chest pressed against me bulging biceps squeezing me into you huge shoulders embraced by my arms I was mesmerized by you Your presence Your smell The wet delicate taste of your lips Pressing my pointed nails into your palms You played with them, as we sat and talked placing them gently on your burly chest that massive hairy slope that tickled my palms as I glided them slowly through Your eyes so unique so thrilling to look into I could feel myself sliding into their depths Kissing you with my little girl kisses that tingled and quivered your soul...... ~ |