By Rhetoric
Date: 2001 Aug 31
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Therapy Session

If you are a daisy,
Then I must be lazy.
I succumb to one metaphor after another.
I do not want your allusions of flora.
I can be a bug, a whimper, a tuna on whole wheat.
You have been waiting too long.
Proving, that in my mental weakness, I am strong.
Billowy clouds cannot fool me from your storm.
Checkers or chess, whatever the game;
I am no match for your arrogance.
Train tracks mark my mind.
You peel me and discard the rind.
Fancy education and swift talking might get the next girl.
I am not your woman getting comfy on the couch.
Callous remarks with no insight;
You are fucking with me - I will fight.
Under the guise of helping me,
You twist the pain all through this little girl.
I can be a giver, a lover, a partnered soul.