By Smiling Kat
Date: 2001 Sep 01
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A Bandaid For Your Pain

Look inside yourself,
Go beyond the surface,
Deep down into the depths of your soul,
And what do you see?
There's a beautiful person hiding there,
An extrememly happy person,
And she's longing for a chance to come out,
To express who she really is,
And quit listening to all of those voices,
The voices that always criticize you,
Make you belittle yourself,
You are such a beautiful person,
On the inside and out,
It hurts me when you're not happy,
I just want to wrap you in a huge bandaid
And make everything better,
I hope you know how much I care about you,
You're one of my girls, after all,
And I'll always be here for you,
Rain or shine,
Tears or laughter,
Because I love you like a sister,
Like all of my friends,
I don't want you to be perfect,
'Cause where would that leave me?
I"m your friend because you are you,
And I hope you can figure out
Who that really is.
