By ~Harem~ Date: 2001 Sep 02 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
People approach love Like a life raft in a violent sea. Thrown into the sea of life They grab hold of anything To keep them from sinking Clinging tenaciously drowning themselves and those they latch on to. Still refusing to let go Even when it is obvious That they have a fatal relationship Instead Learn to swim in the sea of life Enjoy the soothing water Feel the warm freedom of the sea Let your true love, swim to you Meet him half way Swim together in the sea of life Neither clinging to the other Incapable of drowning alone or together. ~ This is in memorium to a dear friend who thought that her life was worthless without a man in it. She had herself thoroughly deceived into thinking that only in a relationship would she be happy or whole. In between relationships, she would be miserable, unhappy, and suicidal. One day, between men, she took her life. She never realized that she was beautiful, all by herself. That her life was valuable to those who knew her. That she had so much to give, so much to enjoy, so much to rejoice in, in everyday living, even if there was no male counterpart to share it with..... She gave too much power to every man she dated. She drove them away, as the obligation to make her happy.... was more than any human being can shoulder....... If people cannot find happiness alone, within themselves, and within their solitary life, they will never know true happiness with another. They have fated themselves to disaster, disappointment, and defeat in every relationship that they attempt to have. This is not a theory, it is a fact. Look at the healthy relationships of people you know.... They were happy, long before they met their mates. ~ |