By Rhetoric
Date: 2001 Sep 06
Comment on this Work

Soul Inhabitant

Soul inhabitant:
Crawl out from me with
The same agility you came.
Leave my remains intact.
Replenish the nourishment,
Gather your poise.

Soul inhabitant:
Loosen your grasp on
The wings I need to fly.
I await your mercy with idle limbs.
This provisional territory you created
Was an emotional slight against me.

Soul inhabitant:
Rescue me from the peril,
Knowing you are gone.
Love's first cut bleeds longest;
Leaving the deepest scar to be healed.
You, all too encumbered, should be tender.

Soul inhabitant:
Go no more to our secret places.
Words of import seep from crevices in
Walls you built up with silk and flax.
Private thoughts and touches are
The foods for petulant hearts.