By Vandalarius
Submitted by vandalarius
Date: 2001 Sep 15
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My Room

I scream, but nothing comes out,
I fall to the ground and try to break out.
Out of the hell, that I have created,
but I am stuck.
My hell is a room there are no walls,
only mirrors. The floor is covered from head to toe,
with sand. And I am in the corner,
grasping for air.
Dark, its so dark. But I can still see my reflection.
I see my face and the salty tears coming from it.
Tears of fear, the fear of being alone,
all alone, so scared.
All I can do is sit and wait.
Wait for life to come back and find me.
God, get me out, I cant take this anymore.
Then I realize,
this room,
this hell,
is me...