By Michael T (marked) Submitted by MichaelT() Date: 2001 Sep 29 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
Jane and Daisy must have loved me. They know I love you. Now they've stopped talking to me. Daria flirts incessantly.. Stacey's talkative and gabby.. Laura's suddenly more nice to me... Unapproachable women suddenly want me. What the hell? Is this a conspiracy? Where is your name that's written on me? My elbow, my chest, my face, or my back? The thought nearly gives me a heart attack.. Flirting's now as easy as it could be I don't care what these women think of me. But I dance the dating dance so strangely Because these women are all just friends to me. I don't know what to do anymore. And I'm lonely when you don't have time for me. I swear! It's a freaking conspiracy! Where the heck is your name? It's written on me. |