By ManiFest
Date: 2001 Oct 23
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Murmuring words of hate...

Murmuring words of hate
with my bottom lip
caught between her teeth,
forcing my arms wider,
as she squirmed deeper
into my embrace.
Forcing me off balance,
her all of five foot two,
me a good six feet tall
and a hundred pounds heavier to boot.
Caught as I was on the defensive
feeling her fingers, nails,
claw, caress my chest,
wondering to myself
who's fantasy I fell into
"I don't like you.
I don't want to ever see your face!
I hate you! "
she tells me.
Then I feel her tongue
part my lips
seeking entrance
trying to force its way
to duel with mine.
What would you do?
What did i?
What did i?