By little_blue_man
Date: 2001 Nov 02
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In Conclusion

I know the truth
I came to this strange land
Only weeks ago
Seeking it

Someone told me they had changed
Had seen the light
The new
Rising from the ashes of the old

Trust, I was told
What is past is past, I was told
Bet your future on it, I was told

Yet the very presence of this person
In this place
Like a "reformed" alcoholic
Seen lounging in a bar
I wanted facts

I was welcomed by some
Snubbed by many
Apparently facts are not something
Welcomed in this realm

But I found them all the same
Not all of them, for sure
But enough
Enough to say
I know the truth

There are those that helped me
Some helped me by shouting across the room at me
Some by quietly whispering in my ear
Most sat in tight lipped silence
Never daring to admit to what they knew
But I know what they know
All the same
I know the truth

I no longer need to dwell
In this little itty bitty world
Dominated mostly by itty bitty minded people
As they bury the reality of their itty bitty lives
In their over inflated opinions of themselves
As they sit in judgement of others
Who strive to be as they are
I am dismissed now
I may leave
I know the truth

I fling the doors open
My life
My future
All lie before me
Bathed in light and promise
I have a better understanding of who my friends are
I have a better understanding of who my enemies are
For I know the truth
And because of that
I am the one....who truly is.....