By Jasmine
Submitted by Jasmine_77
Date: 2001 Nov 05
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What is this spell you have over me?
I feel as though your eyes haunt my every move
Your hands touch me in such a way that I feel as though their shape is being burned into my skin
Your tounge teases my senses into a wild frenzy.
The naked desire of hungry lips suckling the morsel of an earlobe, igniting a fire that singes the inside of my soul even now.
Even when we are simply talking it seems as though your voice is weaving a fog of magic that surrounds us, drifting in and out of my head, drugging me so that I want to remain in the presence of your voice forever.
You have awakened in me a deep desire and it has dominated my every gesture.
Something as simple as licking my lips has become dark and seductive.