By Jasmine
Submitted by Jasmine_77
Date: 2001 Nov 05
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i sit here on my rock in the middle of the woods
gazing at the stars and wishing...

for a moon kissed knight to rescue me from the practical world I am forced to live in

i dream of peace in the chaos of theivery, knaves, dragons, magic, and all the wonderful beasts of make believe

I envision my knight--riding up on his black horse and gathering me in his arms to take my breath away with a sweet agonizing kiss

I want to fly with the wings of a fairie
see with the eyes of a sorceress
and to be as beautiful as an enchantress
Aching for the fairytale in my mind to come true

So I sit here on my rock in the middle of the woods, gazing up at the starlit sky
dreaming of total chaos, pure innocence and true love...