By Michael T (hovering)
Submitted by MichaelT()
Date: 2001 Nov 10
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I am a young dragonfly extending my feelers.
Hoping to ameliorate my new found lonliness.
Searching for a darling damselfly in this preposterous parade  
while hovering over the squalor of this swampy meat market.
Dark and musky with the smoke and sweat of the flagellating.
They cram themselves on the dance floor.
Silently daring the brave, the stupid, and the foolish.

I wonder which I am.

Cautiously I prepare to question.
Knowingly ready to brush off the likely rejection
and exclaim my self-confidence as I turn away with a smile.
As they swarm around the liquid lounge or the turnip table
Pretending pride and disinterest to protect themselves from the macho multitudes.
The type of damselflies you're likely to find there
are wanting nothing more than a little time and attention
and maybe a single night of physical affection
Ready to mate.
Not ready to care.

I crave a sincere smile and some instant attraction.
Hoping to weave and leave a pattern as we circle round each other.
In aerial artistry fit to fill my dreams later that night
Of something beautiful in my arms.
Holding onto me.