By Ali Date: 2001 Nov 17 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
There is something that you don't know A secret that it seems has been missed Perhaps you've been looking in all the wrong places And then again, perhaps not I cannot say, and I fear that neither can you And this is not something spoken about in a crowded room This is definately not dinner table conversation But still, there are things that must said, and must be seen If only by you and I,in this clumsy world we have created... You feel, and you act And I feel, and I act You worry later, perhaps I do not know for sure, for I do not ask Or maybe I do ask, just not in words, spoken It seems to me that nothing is certain, here and now And I'm fine with that, truly For I've come to understand that few things in this life Can be known without some, however tiny, shadow of doubt So I suppose, as you know, nothing and nobody is perfect... Now here is what you need to hear, listen close and careful You seek to understand, you seek to know why You seek justification, perhaps You are longing, yearning to find a reason But sometimes, there is no reason why... |