Date: 2001 Nov 21
Comment on this Work

Reasons For Breathing

"i DoN't WaNNa DiE ToNiGhT, BuT i tHiNk i MiGhT Be gOiNg DoWn'cOz tHe oNLy oNe i eVeR CaReD aBouT iS nOwHeRe To Be FouNd i DoN't WaNNa cLoSe My eYeS 'cOz i MiGhT NoT sEe tHe LiGhT oF DaY i'M aLmoSt oUt oF aiR...yOu'Re My ReaSoN FoR BreaThiNg. i TuRn oN tHe RaDiO jEz To TaKe tHe HuRt aWaY
aNotHeR NigHt aNd i'M MiSsiNg YoU...iT's KiLLiNg Me"